
Posts uit 2013 tonen

Week 10 - Picture Week!

Week 10 –  Picture week! [ENGLISH] Another week past again, and my last weekend was a relaxing weekend. On Saturday I went together with May to the Makro to do some shopping for my house and after we went to Cherngtalay to a new ceramic shop to buy new plates, cups and glasses. Close to the shop was a shop where you could get fresh seafood and we did not know what to eat this evening, so we bought some fresh seafood there to cook tonight and eat together with Eed and Khun Diun at my home again. Sunday we went to the beach, Bang Tao beach because it was hot this day and it was great weather for a swim! We took Omelette with us, May her dog and he liked the run around at the beach and even did a little bit of swimming also. When we got home again from the beach, we visited the market in Cherntalay and went home to cook and eat the food from the market! 28 – 10: New starting week at Soi Dog again, sadly it started to rain early in the day. We had some new volunteers...

Week 9 - Volunteers everywhere!

Week 9 – Volunteers everywhere! [ENGLISH] At the temple in Bangkok I’ve spend my weekend this time in Bangkok, I arrived Friday night and would stay till Sunday morning. I went together with Dr. Eed and Dr. Golf, they were there to meet their family and I was going to meet a Malaysian friend. First when I arrived in my hotel, I really was little shocked about the busy environment and the luxury in the hotel. I’m not used to that anymore, it was so strange. So the next morning I sadly heard that the Malaysian friend that I was supposed to meet, was not able to meet me this time. When I heard that I called Dr. Eed and she said she would show me around Bangkok together with her cousin. Just outside Phuket We had a great time, went to a temple, shopping in a mall and after going to a night market. Her cousin told us she would meet us in Phuket soon, and then we would show her Phuket! The next morning we were leaving Bangkok 9:30 in the morning, because we would...

Week 8 - Back to the shelter!

Week 8 – Back to the shelter! [ENGLISH] Last weekend was a great weekend again! Very relaxing, and enjoyed the hot weather. On Saturday I had a day that I had some good sleep and brought my laundry to the shop for washing, including the white pants I will need for the Soi Dog party. In the afternoon I picked up my white pants from the laundry, it only was this white when I bought it. The laundry did a really good job, then I went to my house again and start changing for the Soi Dog party. And when had all my clothes on except for my tie, because I thought I remembered how to do it but when I got it on I did not anymore… So when I got at SDF ready to go to party in the minivan together with May and Reggie, I asked Reggie if she knew how to do the tie and she knew luckily. We picked up Chris, Paula, Izzy and Zat. When Chris saw my tie he said that in the 1920’s they had a different knot, so he changed it for me and I was ready for the party! And when we arrived the...